Saturday, February 8, 2014

Winter Olympics...2014!!!

The Winter Olympics have now started. Sochi 2014 everyone!! This year, if you did not know, it is taking place in Russia. This country has such a rich history and culture, but can be very unsafe for travelers. If you would like to visit, just be extremely cautious. That is not what I want to talk about though. I feel that the Winter Olympics are always neglected. I feel that the Summer Olympics, I find more people hyped and always tuned in. This may be because people are on vacation and have time to watch the events. Right now, all the kids are in school, and we do not have as much time to watch the events take place, which makes me feel bad. I would love to watch some of the events. I definitely do not find the Winter Olympics as exciting as the summer ones, but come on watch it. The Olympics creates this strong sense of nationalism in the country and no matter where you are, you want your country to do the best. It is amazing to see everyone come together in a country and support these athletes. It shows how beautiful our country is.  

Vacation Spots, Should You Go or Not Go?

]It is February now, and people may start planning vacations for spring and summer. All of us want to escape this crazy cold weather and go somewhere warm. We all want to go on some exotic vacations, but are some of these places the best to go this year, let us discuss it.

This year there are a lot of significant sport events occurring. The world cup is taking place in June/July in Brazil, while the Winter Olympics have just started in Russia. Brazil is a beautiful country with so many natural wonders, like the Amazon Rain Forest and River, and the beautiful beaches. Plus, it has gorgeous cities, like Rio de Janeiro, which is where the World Cup is taking place. It is also home to some intense partying, known as the Carnival. This starts at the end of February and is a great time and a great way to see the country’s culture. Brazil would be an amazing place to visit this year. An especially good time to visit would be during the time of Carnival or the World Cup. Many things will be taking place, there will be many sights to see, and an overall it will be an amazing experience. On the other hand, there is Russia. This is where the Winter Olympics are taking place, in Sochi. The various cities in Russia, like Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Sochi, are all places with a strong sense of art, culture, and history. There is plenty to visit, but this place is a high risk place to visit. There are a lot of violent riots and activities happening there. It is ok to go there, but you must be very careful and look out for yourself.

In the western hemisphere some other controversial, but amazing places to visit are Nicaragua, Mexico, and Haiti. Nicaragua is a wonderful tropical vacation with gorgeous beaches, volcanoes, and a lot of culture. It is not a common tourist area, so it is not too crowded. Also, there are easy and affordable flights, hotels, restaurants, and places to see. This is a definite go. Mexico is a place that people are hesitant to go to at times due to drug cartel battles and things like that. However, if you stay in resorts or around one area, you should be fine, so check this place out if you want to. Haiti has started accepting more tourism with more planes that are flying there. New hotels and resorts have opened in Port-au-Prince, and this place is slowly improving after the disasters that have stricken them. Though there have been reports about Americans be mugged or harmed, there have not been as many in the past. So, you can also go to this place, but take caution and plan ahead.

The other half of the world also has places to visit too. This would include United Arab Emirates, Philippines, India, Thailand, and Egypt. Some of these places are not the best places to visit at this moment, but do keep it on the bucket list. United Arab Emirates has amazing places to stay and visit. It has a rich history and cultural experiences. The place is beautiful and scenic with both modern and historical aspects to it, so definitely go. Philippines, though it was just struck by a terrible typhoon, you can still go there, but be aware some areas may be still recovering. India has a lot to see in the aspects of history and culture. There are gorgeous palaces and temples, that would amazing to see. However, the country has a lot of corruption and rape cases. It is very unsafe for groups of people, but it is still a go. Just be extremely cautious. Both Thailand and Egypt are no go’s. This is because of the large political demonstrations and protests taking place in both countries. For your safety, do not go there at this time.

Hope this helps your trip planning.

For more information click here.

Get Over It!

Recently, an advertisement aired on TV that created much controversy. It was an ad that was shown during the Superbowl for Coca-Cola. If you have not seen the ad, the basic gist of it goes as follows, many people from different cultures, religions, ages, sexuality all are shown drinking Coke. In the background is the song America the Beautiful playing, but sung in a variety of different languages. This is what was the controversy has revolved around. Till now, I have not stated my point, but recently in class we were watching the ads and a few kids said it should only be in English, because all Americans must speak English, otherwise they are not American.

Obviously, this angered me to the point where I wanted to slap these people. However, I refrained myself, and just took myself away from the situation. As a first generation American, growing up in America is somewhat a difficult thing. But, I would not trade it for anything else. I have gotten so many opportunities that I would not have had. Plus, I have more freedom, and for a girl especially. If my family remained in India, I would not have the dreams I have today and I would not be able to achieve them. I am very lucky to live here and cannot imagine another life. Every time I go back to India, I love visiting the place, but by the end of the vacation, I want to leave, because there is nothing to do. Here, if we have so much going on and most people are accepting and are our friends.

I do not see a major problem with this ad, especially the fact that America the Beautiful is sung in a variety of different languages. The fact that there is so much controversy about this, just disgusts me. First of all, America is such a diverse country. That is what makes it so beautiful. People from all around the world have come together to live and enjoy freedom, without being judged. It warms my heart to see people whose nations are fighting, but live here and are best friends. Because when people live here, yes they may be from a different country, but they are American too. Some may say that these immigrants are not American, but yes they are. A lot have lived year for their whole life, how does that make them less of an American than a white person. Just because their skin color is different and not white, just because their religion is not Christianity, just because they are not fluent in English, that does not mean they are not American. I thought we live in a better country than that. I thought we live in a country that accepts all, but obviously I was wrong and that disgusts me to be honest.

Sitting in a class where people are basically telling you that you are not American because you are not white and your family is not from here and because your family does not speak English, it just shows how ignorant some people are. I am as American as the rest of you; we are all American, just from different places around the world. That is what America is, a cultural melting pot, with a variety of people from all over the world. I hope that one day; this intolerance does not exist, because I definitely do not want to live in a place like that. Do not get me wrong, I absolutely love living in this country and most people are accepting of others, but there is always that select few. Those select few may say, America the Beautiful, is America’s song. But, just think about who makes up America, and if your answer is only white people who speak English, then you are an ignorant and oblivious person who probably needs to reconsider their life. Have a good day. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Locals

I am not sure if I have ever mentioned this before, but when you go on vacation, what do you do and where do you go. To be honest, that is more of a question. The thing is, when most of us go on vacation we head to resorts. A lot of us tend to seek a place to relax, but we still get to see beautiful sights in the world.

One thing that I feel like we are missing though, is actually experiencing what life is like in this place or country that we are visiting. Little do we ever meet local people and talk to them or spend time with them. Yes, I understand that they have things to do and are probably like, man these tourists are annoying. But, the thing is, we go on vacation to experience a new place as well, particularly when we go to different countries. It is a shame that we don’t get to, or more of allow ourselves, to mingle and make friends with the local people. There may be language barriers, but everyone can communicate. I believe it is important to make an effort to understand the culture when you visit a new place.

A great example is when heading to Mexico, where do most people go, to a resort. This is because other places are unsafe. We do not actually get to see the side of Mexico where people are living in poverty, which is understandable because that is something that though we understand it occurs, we do not want to see it while on vacation. However, resorts still have locals working at it, and we should make an effort to understand life in their country and their perspective. It really adds a new level to the experience of traveling and understanding culture. 

Try to Get Through This Without Judgment

Throughout the world, people do things that others do not understand. For those who do not understand immediately presume judgment over these other people. Just because they are not like us or our friends or people we see on a regular basis, does not mean we should skip to judgment without trying to understand. After hearing these controversial rituals still practiced today, I wonder if you will be judgmental or not. To me it is a matter of fact that people do certain things and we just have to accept it, though it may seem bizarre. These cultures have their reasons to their interesting and unique traditions, which adds more diversity into this world. Some people may have strong opinions, but do not judge a culture based on one tradition and do not judge a person based on their culture. It is as simple as that.  

In some parts of Africa, people practice female genital mutilation. When a baby girl is born or at a time when she is very young, her area is cut to create a wider opening that allows urine and menstrual blood to pass. These girls have to have their legs bound together for about a month to let it heal. At most times, this is done without any anesthesia and little care for being clean. The cutting utensils used are rarely sterilized and the event takes place anywhere from a bedroom to outside on the dirt. Aboriginals of Australia practice a similar tradition for males by making a sub incision into the urethra.

Are you squeamish yet? I know it is hard not to judge, everyone does it. What we have to understand is that these people have reasoning behind it, though we may not know or understand.

Shi’a Muslims have a ritual called ashura. It is bloodletting mourning ritual where people mourn that they were not alive or present at the battle to save Husayn and his family during the 7th century. They do this by spilling their blood and the blood of their children, which is said to release them and wash away their sins.

To us, we are wondering why these people are cutting themselves and letting out blood. This means they could die, and who would want to purposely kill themselves like that, is what we are thinking. But to these people, it is a part of their religion, it is their belief system. We may not notice, but our belief system may be weird to them.

Though it may not still be in use today, Eskimos leave their elders out in the cold to die. At an old age, the elderly Eskimos are taken out to sea and are left on a floating ice berg, all alone. They do not have food and eventually freeze or starve to death. These people believe that there is an afterworld. This tradition is held onto with the belief that they are sending elderly to afterlife with dignity and a way to leave the family without being a burden. In Thailand and some African tribes, neck rings made of metal are worn by women. It creates an impression of a long neck, when this heavy metal weight is placed around their necks.

Letting people out to die and wearing a metal that could possibly choke us, seems terrifying and cruel, but it’s what they do.

Some northern Indians known as Aghoris, a small part of the Hindu religion practice cannibalism and eat or drink out of human skulls. This is because they think it will give them immortality, super powers, and spiritual and physical benefits that prevent aging. People in Venezuela and Brazil, consume the ashes of the dead, a year after the death. The ash is mixed in a plantain soup and it shows the people’s affection for the dead. Also, it is practiced in hopes of the dead finding a way to a paradise.

In Australia there is a tradition where a man gets his tooth pulled. He lies down on his back and fills his mouth with fur string to absorb the blood and pain and then pulls out his tooth with a wood spear and stone. In Hinduism, Bali sacrifice is the ritual of killing an animal. Animals are let to fight against each other or they are strangled or a wooden spike is poked into the heart.

All of these traditions seem crazy, but there is always a reason behind it. This could be religious or for love, it just depends. To others, what we may think is common, might be extremely strange. Without understanding others and jumping to conclusions, we lead a judgmental life. Everybody is judgmental at times, even I am, but this judgment over culture can lead to intolerance and hatred. This causes many problems in the world today. We have to learn to be tolerant, or else we can never get along.

For more info, click here

Gong Xi Fa Cai

To most, the old year ends on December 31st and the New Year starts on January 1st. However, for those from Chinese culture January 31st, 2014, marked the start of their new year. They follow the Lunar New Year. Every year, large celebrations take place around the world for Chinese New Year. My own high school celebrates by putting on a wonderful show for everyone and eating yummy foods. The Chinese have an animal that represents each year, a zodiac symbol, this year it is the year of the horse, and it is going to be a great one.
Many people from China are heading back home for this celebration. More than three and a half billion trips will occur according to China’s National Development and Reform Commission. This is compared to last year’s 200 million that took place around this 40 day period that surrounds the holiday.

The Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is a widely celebrated holiday that brings family together. Everyone enjoys a great time by feasting. Also, it is held to honor the ancestors and the heavenly deities. Over time the celebration has changed. Traditionally, homes are cleaned spotless to lose all the inauspicious aspects that could have occurred in the past year. Then scrolls with lucky messages were placed on gates and around the houses were put up. Along with the scrolls, firecrackers were set of to scare evil spirits away. Food and paper icons were offered as ritual sacrifices to gods and ancestors. Money was given out to the young children by the elders. Most of the traditions done were to bring good luck to the households.

Though a lot of these elements remain when celebrating the holiday, it like many other celebrations throughout the world, has evolved to fit the newer generations. Firecrackers are still let off. Everyone eats a ton of food. Grand parties and parades are held where dances, specifically the dragon dance, takes place. In the early 21st century the Spring Festival also became a big part of this celebration. It is a televised even that shows various singers, dancers, magic performances, and all sorts of entertainment. People are preferring to watch the TV show now, rather than going out and celebrating. The types of foods eaten are moving away from the traditional rice and dumplings as well. Also, less time as family is spent. Big celebrations still do occur, and no matter what, Chinese New Year is a fantastic event, that would be wonderful to witness first hand. 

I mean come on, who would not want to see beautiful lanterns light up the sky. The whole city, the whole country covered with the color of red. Everyone staying up all night partying, dancing, enjoying, and spending time with friends and family. Those elements still remain, making it a wonderful holiday. 

For more info click here, here, and here