About Me

Hello, how are you today? I don’t know what to write about, but the substitute teacher is looking at me judgingly. Therefore, I am going to pretend like I am writing, but actually I am not. I hope she can’t read this; actually, I know she can’t. I am so sorry for deceiving you Ms. Substitute Teacher. Ahhhhh, I don’t know what to do. I have no ideas. I am just going to think about it later.

Anyways, I am sorry about that, let’s just forget it happened. Thanks. So, who am I? I am a person; a small person wandering around a large place with billions of people. It can be intimidating sometimes, but that is ok, because I do not get intimidated easily. I strive to do my best and work hard to reach my goals. I am girl who loves a few “girly” things such as shopping, but I also love to read, learn, try new things, and go on adventures. I love to eat, cook, and bake, though I don’t eat a lot. Also, I am a dancer, not a typical ballet or jazz dancer, but a classical dancer. I am a soccer player, a really bad one, a piano player, a saxophone player, and I was a swimmer and tennis player. I am a girl who loves to listen to music and gets carried away easily. I am a person who enjoys meeting new people and spending time with friends. I am terrified of spiders and snakes. I am someone who loves to observe new cultures and travel, though I haven’t been to many places, I hope to go somewhere new every year. I am a person, just like you, just like the rest of the people out there. I have things I love, I have things I am afraid of, things that are abnormal about me, things that are unique about me, and I have goals and dreams that I hope to achieve. I live day by day, night by night, experiencing and living life to the fullest and hoping that one day I will look back and love every moment.

I am not from here, I am not from there; I am a mixture of both. Though my parents may both be from there, I was born and brought up here, in this culture. Sometimes, I feel like I don’t fit in here, because I am still from there, but when I visit the other place, I don’t feel like I belong there either. It is like a mountain, the bottom is here, the top is there. I am just lost somewhere in the middle. However, I really don’t care, because I feel like I am the perfect balance of both. I can still see the bottom of the mountain, but I can also see the magnificent view from the top of the mountain.

Hello. Hola. Bonjour. مرحبا. 你好. γεια σας. नमस्ते. こんにちは. Ciao. Привет. ஹலோ. خوش. Hei. Hallo. I hope that caught your attention and you are still reading this. I am sorry if it got a little deep and intimate, but I feel that you should get to know me a little, especially if you are going to spend a year reading my writing. As I was saying before, I haven’t traveled all over the world, but something I love is trying new things and experiencing new things. I have always had a keen interest in experiencing and discovering the cultures around the world. This is the place to come to read about all the different cultures around the world. From things about their food, languages, clothing, the country they live in, to their unique traditions and interesting things to do while travelling there, this blog has got it all. I may even talk about my personal experiences in different countries or even get a sampling of what I think about their food. I promise it will have a new adventure each week, though you may be stuck in school, come here to travel the world while sitting at one place. I have one request though, just let go of all your judgment, all of your stress, pretend like you are taking a vacation and  are actually first handedly experiencing the cultures. Thank you. Gracias. شكرا. 谢谢. σας ευχαριστώ. धन्यवाद. ありがとう. Спасибо. நன்றி. شکریہ.. Merci. Danke. Asante. Takk. Grazie. Merci. Salamat. 

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