Saturday, January 25, 2014

Small City Love

Small cities can be some of the most beautiful places in the world, but they are always over looked. When people think of vacations, they either go to resorts or big cities on the map. They do not look at a detailed map and think, wait maybe we should go to this tiny town in the middle of nowhere and see what it is like. That is what a lot of people are trying to escape. However, if the proper research is done, people can find particular events or traditions or places in these small towns that are much more amazing than a big city or resort.

Small towns are rich in culture and have a plenty of history to it. They value all the traditions and bring that out. One time I was visiting Columbus, Ohio. The city is very cool, but we went to a smaller suburb area of the city and it was so much cooler. There was such rich history. The buildings were old and looked magnificent. The types of shops were quite interesting. There were antique stores lining the streets, all with the most amazing items. Everyone was also very friendly.

Sometimes when going on vacation, we miss out on these types of situations. We overlook spending time in a small city with rich culture. If you want to learn about culture, head to a big city, then drift out to suburbs and smaller cities around it. It will help show the development of the nation, while also getting a nice look at the history. The experience will truly be fantastic, so give the small towns some love. 

Yummy Comfort Foods

This time of year, when we are freezing our butts, all we want to do is sit at home and cover up in blankets. We just want to watch TV, take a break and our favorite, and eat all day. In winter, most people tend to gain a little weight, which is totally fine, because it is winter, we need that extra layer to protect us from the cold. We tend to crave heavier, comfort foods that are extremely delicious.

The common comfort foods in America tend to be desserts, like cake and ice cream, even Nutella and peanut butter. We also eat actual food with nutrients rather than sugar, like mac and cheese. Other countries have their own comfort foods. Each food with its own particular and unique taste, making these comfort foods essential during the cold winter times.

Mexico provides us with chilaquiles, empanadas, enchiladas, basically a variety of items. The one that is the major comfort food is chilaquiles and is definitely something you should try. This food is referred to as garbage food because it is basically made up of scraps left in the basic Mexican kitchen. It is a blend of the typical Mexican foods, like cheese, shredded chicken, egg, salsa, and tortilla chips. This food includes every Mexican staple, why wouldn’t you crave it in time of comfort.

Japan and other Asian countries tend to a form of curry and rice or tortilla type bread. These countries eat vegetarian countries made of beans, butter, peas, chicken, or anything they want this curry to be made of. Curries are nice and with the rice, they create a smooth blend to the tongue that soothes the mind and the soul. The curry and the tortilla type bread create the same effect. Basically, curry is amazing and does all the work to help create a warm feeling inside of you.

Egyptians enjoy koshary, a food comprised of lentils, tomato chili sauce, pasta, vinegar, and fried ingredients. This carb filled food is a tasty food that gives a person an energy boost. This is a food that is commonly sold by street vendors and made at home. It feels very good to eat and helps boost your spirits, so try it out.

Canadians are really into eating poutine, which is basically fried potatoes, or French fries, and adding cheese curds and brown gravy. This food is gooey, has rich taste, and excites the mouth. The British eat a full English breakfast, which is loaded with nutrients that are essential for the morning. This would include bread, sausage, baked beans, tomatoes, mushroom, bacon, and black pudding. One of the richest breakfasts out there, one day try it out.

Foods can make the day brighter. Eating helps forget about other things in life, especially when it comes to the nice and yummy meals. This doesn’t mean eat all your problems away; it means it’s ok to have cravings for comfort foods in the winter. Everyone does and we tend to eat more, so don’t worry, just eat it all, and try out comfort foods from other places.

For more info, click here and here

Cheap Travel Please

When most people think of travelling, they are, at first, very excited to explore a different idea. Then comes on the whole overwhelming feeling of where they are going to go and how they have to get ready. If someone is going to a beach, they want to start working out, it is just a lot to take in, but in the end it is the best time you will ever have. However, there is always continuous voice in your head that is worry about the money aspect of everything, especially if you are an older adult who understands the concept of having a certain budget to work on.
Vacations can be extremely expensive, especially when going to a different country or flying to another place. A person must pay for their mode of transportation to get to their destination, unless they are driving themselves. Also, people must take into consideration where they will be staying, the things they want to see, what they want to do, and what they are going to eat. Sometimes, vacations can create a huge hole in your bank account. There are ways to change that.

First of all, instead of travelling by the expensive mode of transportation, known as the airplane, use a different method to reach your destination. If you are staying in the same country or continent, try a different mode of transportation. No one says it has to be the oh so expensive airplane. Though it is not as popular as Europe, America has a train system, a bus system, and someone who was willing to drive, could drive. This would immediately decrease prices. In Europe, it is common for people to travel the continent by train. America is a much larger country and it encompasses a whole variety of landscapes. Travelling by train may be a little harder, but it can be done.

Also, another major cost when on vacation is food. We all love to eat out and try the food of the place we are in. There is one problem; we eat way more than we need to, no matter what. Always, on vacation, you notice yourself gaining pounds because of all the extra food that is eaten. To keep that in check, will also help keep your budget in check.

Overall, there are ways to decrease the budget of expensive vacations. It can be done by decreasing the cost of transportation or food, and it can also be done by just keeping a budget to help make sure you are on track. However, I am quite careless with money when it comes to spending on vacations, and I would say, don’t worry about the money, just enjoy; it’s your choice, take the advice or leave it. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Put the Screens Down, Open the Eyes Up

When travelling abroad, a person tends to wish to document every single moment and every single thing they see. However, is that really the best idea now? Sometimes, a person is stuck behind a phone or camera, that all they see is the view through a screen, something that can happen anywhere. Putting down the phone or camera allows you to get a view of the place with your own eyes, something that is more memorable than a picture. Yes, if something is amazing, then take a picture of it. But, if the camera or phone is distracting you from actually being able to spend time in the present and a world without technology for five minutes, then put it away. My family loves to document things. It always bothers my brother and I, because they, specifically my dad, is always hidden behind the camera. He seems to love taking pictures, but sometimes it seems like he has a different experience. If it doesn’t bother him, that is ok, but that is because he enjoys taking pictures at parties, he is not at a totally different place where he is experiencing new things. Therefore, just put the screens down and enjoy. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

It Is Actually Decent Here

I have always believed that this city is not a fun place to live in because we have nothing to do. However, after attending Leadership for Five Seasons, it has opened my eyes. It still has not totally convinced me that Cedar Rapids is the best place to live, but it has shown me that there are actually things to do, it is just not advertised.

Obviously I have known about the big attractions here, like Brucemore, African American Museum, and the Czech Museum. Recently they opened up NewBo, a cool and modern market area that I absolutely love. But there are so many places and things that happen, but I have never heard of. In winter time, they have a Fire and Ice Festival. This is a night time parade where gorgeous floats light up the street. Also, there are apparently parades and little things like these that actually happen quite often.

Cedar Rapids has a ceramics center. I never knew about this. I thought this city was more engineering or industrial based working. I never imagined that we had a nice art facility, but we do. In the Cherry building near NewBo, there is a ceramics center. This place provides classes to learn how to create pottery and it also has open public hours when anyone can come in and work for free. These types of things seem to be hidden from most people, because everyone seemed to be surprised and had no idea about this place.

Also, there are a variety of concerts and shows that happen all the time. When most people here think of concerts, they imagine shows in the Five Seasons Center, however, Legion Arts, Theater Cedar Rapids, Paramount, and Opus Café also provide places to watch shows. Though these are a much smaller scale show, they still happen. Legion Arts brings small acts in almost every weekend and they also have an art gallery. Opus Café is a place where intimate gigs and pre parties before shows in the Paramount occur. The Paramount has larger shows because it is able to seat 1,700 people. They have brought magicians, orchestras, and even people from Comedy Central. Theater Cedar Rapids is a community theater that puts on many shows and musicals throughout the year. Most people around here know about TCR, but they don’t know that all the actors are volunteers and it is one of the top rated community theaters. Many people from Cedar Rapids and around the state of Iowa come to TCR just to audition and be a part of play. Something people don’t know is that they have two areas to perform in TCR. The basement houses a smaller and more intimate area for low key shows or improvisation performances.
I was surprised by all the things going on here in Cedar Rapids. I knew things happened, but I was not fully aware of all the opportunities. Not that it totally changes my feelings about living in this city, we still do have access to a lot, more than other small towns and we should appreciate it. It has taught me to appreciate the things I have, rather than constantly hate it. Also, it taught me to go out and explore more too. So, wherever you live, go out and explore your city one day.

Perks of Studying Abroad

Recently many of my friends in college have decided to study abroad for their winter/spring term. To me, this seems like a no brainer. I would jump to the opportunity to go to a different country, where you know no one, and can explore, while being in school. It is like killing two birds with one stone. However, many other people believe that studying abroad is a bad idea. They think it will interrupt studying and will be of no use to a person in college. Though most people when studying abroad don’t take a full course load, they do learn and they also learn about the culture of an unknown place, which is also helpful in the future. Learning and going to school or college is not all about memorizing the facts, it should include exploring ideas and places. By studying abroad, a person is allowed to do this.

Studying abroad is a great idea because it allows a person to improve their future potential in academics, finance, and the work field. Living in an international place and the experience, makes for an impressive resume. Also, people who are globally minded and understand what happens throughout the world are more in demand for the work force. Many companies look for a multi-lingual and multi-cultural person. When studying abroad, students can work, have internships, or just observe a different country and how they operate. This will help them understand another culture, as well as better understand their own culture.

By going abroad, a person is opening their mind to a variety of paths. Studying abroad allows you to be free and try new things. It exposes you to a lot of different experiences and helps create many memories that will last a life time. Also, it will help broaden your world experience by being able to visit all these cool places. Rather than staying at home and reading about it in textbooks, studying abroad gives you the chance to go and actually see the place with your own eyes. Plus, when you come back, you will have new interpretations and will develop a new understanding of your own country. It makes the mind sharper and more open minded to everything, which is a quite a key quality to have.

Lastly, one of the most important things about studying abroad, is that it allows you to network and meet new friends and people from all around the world. When studying abroad, you will meet people who are from your own country and the country you are studying in. Also, you will get to meet others from other countries who are also studying and working in the area. Overall, it just helps make connections and network, which is an extremely important skill.

Though, the main reason most kids go abroad is to have fun, they are still continuously learning. This type of learning is not out of a textbook, even though there is some of that, this specific learning is immersing yourself in another culture to understand and open your mind to the world. It is a quality everyone should possess, and studying abroad allows for this. Therefore, studying abroad is a great idea.

If you still need convincing, click here, here, and here.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Importance of Foreign Languages

As the world progresses, English is becoming the language of the world. Everyone is taught it at school, even if it is not the national language of the country. English is the international language that is used in communication everywhere from business meetings to social situations. This world domination of English has caused many people to question the need for learning foreign languages. Many people are starting to think that learning foreign languages are a waste of time, energy, and brain space. However, that is not the case. Learning foreign languages are important for communication, learning about cultures, and helps stimulate the mind.

At Kennedy High School, the students are required to a foreign language. Other schools only require two years of foreign language saying colleges do not see it as important, while some schools require four years of foreign language and notice the importance of learning them. Learning a foreign language is very critical in a person’s life. It helps them expand their knowledge on the world and cultures throughout the world. By learning a foreign language people can gain understanding on certain traditions of cultures that they previously questioned. They will learn how to communicate and if they travel to the country where the foreign language is spoken, then they will be able to communicate easier, as well.

Though English is becoming more prominent, many other languages still exist in the world. Other countries are required to learn the foreign language of English, people in major English speaking countries should also learn a foreign language. When visiting a place, it is easier to communicate with a person in the native language. The people of the country will feel more comfortable and open to helping. They will also be able to understand a person better. Sometimes natives can identify that someone is American or an English speaker. To these natives in developing countries, this means the person would have more money, so they may trick you. For safety and ease in travelling it is important to understand and learn a foreign language.

The most important reason to learn a foreign language is that it helps stimulate the mind. Most people learn their primary language at a young age, and it has been proven easier to pick up a new language at a younger age. By trying to learn a foreign language, a person is using their creativity and curiosity. The mind is opened to new ways of thinking, understanding, and approaching life. Research done in the past and in 1986 by Weatherford, has shown that people who are taking a foreign language class have stronger thinking skills, specifically in creativity. Also, those learning and knowing more than one language score higher on standardized tests and are viewed as more intelligent.

I speak English, Tamil (an Indian language), can understand Kanada and little bit of Hindi (more Indian languages), and am learning Spanish. My goal in the aspect of foreign languages is to continue mastering in Spanish, learn French, and learn major phrases in various other languages. This way, when I travel, I will be able to communicate in the native language of the country and be able to get around the country in an easier fashion. Therefore, I believe foreign languages are very important and should be a class everyone should take in school, from a young age.

For more information, click here and here

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy Birthday!

Birthdays are important days for many people. Some people celebrate their birthdays with extravagance, while others do not really do anything for their birthday. My family has developed their own tradition, which though I may dislike, I am always happy with my birthday festivities. Today happens to be my birthday and I am going to convince you why my family’s birthday celebrations are the best.
Since my birthday is on January 6th, many people happen to be available to celebrate my birthday because it tends to be at the end of winter break. I usually celebrate it with friends and family. Every year I tell my parents that I do not want to do anything for my birthday, they still throw me a party telling me its tradition. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the party, but all the extra getting gifts and cutting a cake is not by favorite, but when it is actually happening, I realize how much I love having everyone there. For my birthdays we usually invite our close Indian friends, who we have known forever and are practically our family here in America. Every year around this time, we go bowling. This is something that always happens. Annually, the only time all of us go bowling is during my birthday time. After that, we all go back to my house and eat food. This year, I invited some friends from school because they really wanted to come to an “Indian party” for some reason, so I invited them. Therefore, my mother cooked authentic Indian food. After eating, everyone just enjoys and talks to each other. I make sure that all the families of our Indian friends come to, because they are pretty much like Aunts and Uncles to me, so it is great to have them around as well. After dinner, the moms, the dads, and the kids are in their own area talking till it is time to cut the cake. In my family and an odd Indian tradition is that everyone close to you serves you a small piece of the cake. Everyone at this party is a close friend, so I get fed cake about 30 times, which amazing yet sickening at the same time. Then it is time to open presents. Finally, after this is done everyone just gets together plays games, cards, and talks till two in the morning. It is an amazing time, and this is just the party.

Sometimes the party is not held on my actual birthday. At times like these, we celebrate on my birthday as well. On my birthday my family goes out to eat, and sometimes we still invite our friends to come as well. Then we go home and cut a cake and the whole feeding process happens again. Once again, more cards are given and once again we sit and talk as long as possible. Oh, and I can’t forget, my family always decorates the house. Gunasekar birthdays are an amazing time. I always say I don’t want a party, which I don’t, but I do love spending time with my friends and family. It just makes the day much better. This is why my family celebrates birthdays in the most magnificent way.

Winter Weather Travelling Problems

Currently, America is having some of the worst weather it has had for a really long time. In Iowa the temperature is worse than it currently is in Antarctica. Also, the whole Midwest and Plains region and some areas in the east and west are having this similar arctic feeling with cold weather and large amounts of snow. Winter time can be really cold and snowy, but this year it has been terrible. This July in Iowa we had temperatures in the 100s, but now, six months later, in January the temperatures are in the -20s to -50s with windshield. This type of winter is leaving many people stranded in the towns they are in and severely affecting travel.

Many students and people are trying to get back to their homes after a nice winter break; however, all of their breaks have been extended. Some people have been stranded in airports, while others are still stuck at the houses of relatives or winter vacation destinations because many planes are not flying out. Especially in the Midwest, like in Chicago, planes are not even departing or arriving. In Iowa many planes to the east have been cancelled. The only planes that are leaving are to the south or to Minneapolis for some odd reason, most likely because they always have bad winters and are more equipped for these types of situations.

Many of my friends from college have come home for the break, but a few are already leaving, either because they have to get to work or have to go back to school. However, their plans were destroyed. One of my friends lives in St. Louis, Missouri, so her family was able to drop her off, because it is only four hours away, however they then proceeded to get stuck in Missouri because of the heavy snow fall. My brother is trying to head back to medical school in Ohio; however, his flights have all been cancelled. He was supposed to leave Sunday morning, but his flights got pushed back and eventually cancelled. Then he was supposed to leave today, Monday, but his flight once again got cancelled. Eventually he got a ticket for Wednesday and hopefully that one is not delayed. He will already miss three days of school, which is unacceptable. Problems like these have occurred to many people and are really harming their travelling plans. So, try to stay warm and safe, and if you are travelling don’t get angry that your plane is cancelled, understand that many other people are on the same boat and it is the weather’s fault.