Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Party That Is the Ending and a New Beginning

Guess what is happening this weekend at Kennedy High School? Prom!!! Though I am a junior and am not going to prom, a lot of my friends who are seniors and many juniors are heading to this special event. So, I thought we could see how countries everywhere celebrate prom. Prom is such a big event for high school students, not just America, but everywhere.

Prom is like this crazy, big party. The last one you have in your school year lives. It signals an end of an era and the beginning of a new one. Though you may say this is what graduation is, graduation is the formality of you getting the degree and officially ending your life as a kid and the start of a life as an adult who will be starting college. Let us be honest, seniors do not put any energy into the last few months of school, and prom is sort of this last fun time, where your friends and classmates celebrate the end of 13 years of schooling together.

America’s prom is a development of the British “Debutante’s Ball.” This ball was held to teach children about culture and etiquette in the outside world. It was also found in Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. Germans have Abifeier, Austrians have Maturaball, the Polish have Studniowka, Swedes have Studentbalen, and South Africans have Matric Dance, all of which are the equivalent to prom.

When prom first started, it was seen as part of American culture, but now it happens all over the world. From Europe to Asia to South America to Africa, there is prom on all these major continents. Everywhere around the world, seniors are getting ready for this special day. It is the end, but it is also a beginning. So, to everyone who is going to prom, have a fantastic and memorable time. 

For more information, click here

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