Saturday, April 26, 2014

All By Myself

Sometimes the best way to explore and the best way to learn about yourself, is to travel alone. Many people think travelling alone is scary, not as fun, and unsafe, but that is not always true. Alone time is good for the soul, and going to a new place to do so, is even better for you. It allows you to explore different avenues of life and of yourself. So, here are some advantages to travelling alone.

A majority of the people believe travelling alone is not safe, especially for women. It is just a matter of fact of taking the right precautions and not going into the bad parts of towns. If you make sure to keep yourself safe, then there is nothing to worry about.

Travelling alone, allows you to go where you want. There is no need to fulfill the requests of other people. Instead you can see the places you want to see, do the things that you want to do, and eat the food that you want to eat. There is no need to have a curfew or no requirement to see certain people, because it is just you and you get to choose what you want to do.

Though you are technically travelling alone, it is so much easier to make new friends and explore new parts of life. Because you are alone, when staying at a hotels or hostel, and going from place to place, you will most likely make it a point to be social. That way, in each place you visit, there will be people to spend time with, but also you are still alone. It is a great way to network and expand your friend pool to include people from all around the world.

By travelling alone, you will learn a lot about yourself. Your understanding of what makes you happy and what you like, will allow you to step out of your comfort zone and see parts of yourself that you have never experienced alone. Though you are alone, you are never really alone because there is this new you that is appearing. This new you is someone you will love forever and never want to say good bye to. When you come back, it will be a part of you  and travelling alone would have changed your life.

Travelling alone is quite an experience and if one gets the chance to do so, they should do it. Here and here are some more reasons to travel alone.

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