Sunday, April 6, 2014

Love, Don't Hate

People want the world to change, they want racism to end, they want world peace, and they want everyone to get along. However, there is one problem. Those same people and so many others work against going forward. This struggle hinders the world from ever moving forward and I do not think that it will ever change if this continues to happen.

One of the struggles has to do with culture. Many people want to progress and understand other cultures. They want to visit other countries and learn about other places and other cultures. At the same time, these other people of other cultures or in the same area, stop this progression. They judge others for doing things a certain way. Sometimes, they are not willing to share cultures. Stereotypes still remain a big part of life. It is sad to see that the world can never move forward in that aspect, no matter how hard we try.

One day I hope that every culture and every person can accept each other and understand each other. I hope that people rather than hating another culture, embrace it. I know that this goal is very far-fetched and will probably never be reached during my life time, but some time, equality will occur. The only way to achieve this though, is to start now. We must work to accept each other and learn to get along, or else, we will constantly live in battle. 

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